bowline tying - survival knots seniors should know
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Survival Knots Every Senior Survivalist Should Know

Reflecting on the many skills I’ve garnered in my lifetime, knot tying is a critical element in your survival toolkit. This post gives you survival knots every senior survivalist should know. I learned knot tying for sailing on our 38-foot J-30 racing boat. I remember practicing knot-tying when flying to places for business functions. I…

Preparing for an EMP or CME Disaster.
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Preparing for an EMP or CME Disaster: Seniors’ Survival Guide

Imagine waking up to a world where the clock on your bedside table is dark, your phone won’t turn on, and the neighborhood is eerily quiet. This could be the aftermath of an EMP or CME event. If you’re unfamiliar with these acronyms, you’re not alone. EMP stands for Electromagnetic Pulse, a burst of electromagnetic…

grunge abstract industrial collage with radiation and nuclear symbols
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Evacuation Plans for Seniors in a Nuclear Emergency

Now we are in my biggest fear, nuclear war. But fear of an EMP attack is pretty close, too. I was born just after the Korean War and lived my formative years during the Cold War. My college years were during the Vietnam War. See where I’m going with this? War is not ubiquitous. There…