What are the Advantages of Solar Power for Senior Survivalists?
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What are the Advantages of Solar Power for Senior Survivalists?

Introduction to Solar Power for Senior Survivalists For as long as I can recall, the idea of self-sufficiency has captivated me. As technology advances, solar power has emerged as a critical resource for senior survivalists like myself. In this piece, I will cover the fundamental principles of solar energy and explore why it is becoming…

How To Store and Organize Survival Supplies
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How To Store and Organize Survival Supplies

Are You Having a Space Issue for Your Survival Supplies? Yes, I’m having a space issue! I am writing this article for those of us who need to indeed organize our survival supplies. We seniors have probably accrued a lot stuff. I purchase items and put them in a corresponding box, but I am losing…

A Senior’s Guide to Staying Home During a 96-Hour SHTF Event
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A Senior’s Guide to Staying Home During a 96-Hour SHTF Event

Introduction This guide is intended for seniors living alone or with minimal assistance who may face a “Stay Home, Stay Safe” (SHTF) event in their community. These events, also known as emergencies or disasters, can disrupt daily life and require residents to shelter in place for an extended period. While the specific nature of an…

10 Garden Layouts to Create a Senior-Friendly Garden
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10 Garden Layouts to Create a Senior-Friendly Garden

I am a haphazard gardener. I need a senior-friendly garden, too! I started a garden about ten years ago. I had a horse then, so we had a lot of free fertilizer from my horse, so the garden thrived. My garden became just herbs after I had shoulder surgery in the following years. I have…

Tips for Easy Canning and Fermenting Seniors – Sustainable Harvest Preservation
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Tips for Easy Canning and Fermenting Seniors – Sustainable Harvest Preservation

I need these tips for easy canning and fermenting for seniors! I have the equipment for canning and fermenting, but as a senior, I need the preparation to be easy. I love to cook, but never had the counter space, or so I thought at the time, to do the canning. It looks like fermenting…

Preparing for an EMP or CME Disaster: Seniors’ Survival Guide
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Preparing for an EMP or CME Disaster: Seniors’ Survival Guide

Imagine waking up to a world where the clock on your bedside table is dark, your phone won’t turn on, and the neighborhood is eerily quiet. This could be the aftermath of an EMP or CME event. If you’re unfamiliar with these acronyms, you’re not alone. EMP stands for Electromagnetic Pulse, a burst of electromagnetic…

Surviving with Seniors: Harnessing the Golden Wisdom for Emergency Preparedness
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Surviving with Seniors: Harnessing the Golden Wisdom for Emergency Preparedness

Senior’s Guide to Thriving in Emergency Preparedness Introduction In the realm of emergency preparedness, every individual brings a unique set of skills and knowledge to the table. Among these, senior citizens, often in their golden years, emerge as invaluable assets. This article explores the pivotal role of surviving with seniors in the context of survival…