Milestones In Elderly Disaster Preparedness
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Milestones In Elderly Disaster Preparedness

Understanding the Unique Needs of the Elderly in Disasters A milestone is an action or event marking a significant change, event, or stage in development. Milestones are usually a special occasion that marks a celebration.We elderly have many milestones in our lives, each more significant than the last, that leave an established mark on us….

How to Care for Senior Pets During an EMP or CME Disaster
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How to Care for Senior Pets During an EMP or CME Disaster

Understanding EMPs, CMEs, and the Impact on Senior Pets I have been reading some serial sci-fiction/apocalypse books on EMP/CME disasters. These books are really eye-opening on what life will be like after an event like this. Your senior pets will need special care after a disaster as big as an EMP or CME. Since we…

Recovery Resources for Seniors after a Disaster
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Recovery Resources for Seniors after a Disaster

We seniors face a distinct set of challenges during a disaster. Our increased vulnerability isn’t just a vague concern; it’s a critical factor shaping our recovery process. Due to mobility issues, chronic health conditions, and often limited social support, the aftermath for many of us seniors can be particularly daunting. As I write this article,…

How Sign Language Can Save Lives for Seniors in Emergencies
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How Sign Language Can Save Lives for Seniors in Emergencies

I’ve been thinking about how we can use sign language to save lives in emergencies. Not just for people with a speech disability but for survival in general. What if we are hiding from dangerous people who are trying to get our survival supplies or kidnapping one of us to use for a slavery situation?…

What Are the Challenges of Emergency Planning for the Elderly?
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What Are the Challenges of Emergency Planning for the Elderly?

Understanding these Challenges As an aging person, I see a significant shift toward an aging population as I analyze demographic trends. I love planning things, and planning for an emergency is just one thing I do as I age. We baby boomers are now in our aging years. This change presents various challenges in emergency…

Preparing Seniors for a Nuclear Disaster
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Preparing Seniors for a Nuclear Disaster

Here is another article to prepare seniors for a nuclear disaster. Previously, I wrote about Evacuation Plans for Seniors in a Nuclear Emergency, which directly corresponds with these important steps to take. Ukraine and surrounding countries are being threatened with a nuclear blast of some sort by Russia. We need to be vigilant in knowing…

Survival Planning for Seniors in 2024
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Survival Planning for Seniors in 2024

If you’re a survival prepper or survivalist like I am, you’re always planning for unforeseen events. The entire premise is based on not only being ready for anything but being mindful of what’s going on in the world so that you can adequately predict what may happen. I admit I still have some organizing of…

A Senior’s Guide to Staying Home During a 96-Hour SHTF Event
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A Senior’s Guide to Staying Home During a 96-Hour SHTF Event

Introduction This guide is intended for seniors living alone or with minimal assistance who may face a “Stay Home, Stay Safe” (SHTF) event in their community. These events, also known as emergencies or disasters, can disrupt daily life and require residents to shelter in place for an extended period. While the specific nature of an…

How to Create a Fire Safety Plan to Support Seniors
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How to Create a Fire Safety Plan to Support Seniors

As I navigate the essentials of fire safety, I must address the heightened risks that seniors face. Fire scares me almost as much as a nuclear war. I’ve always lived in the country where there’s a risk of fire and they can erupt and spread quickly. We need to address a fire safety plan to…