Milestones In Elderly Disaster Preparedness
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Milestones In Elderly Disaster Preparedness

Understanding the Unique Needs of the Elderly in Disasters A milestone is an action or event marking a significant change, event, or stage in development. Milestones are usually a special occasion that marks a celebration.We elderly have many milestones in our lives, each more significant than the last, that leave an established mark on us….

I’m Now a Cancer Statistic – Survival with a Chronic Illness
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I’m Now a Cancer Statistic – Survival with a Chronic Illness

Well, I have become a statistic. I’ve gotten breast cancer at 75. How’s that for being a golden survivalist, and managing a chronic condition during a disaster? I’m in the beginning stages of my cancer fight. I’ve elected to do the ‘radical’ breast surgeries. Featured Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash I’ve been fighting…

How to Manage Chronic Conditions for Seniors During Disasters
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How to Manage Chronic Conditions for Seniors During Disasters

Introduction to Chronic Condition Management for Seniors As I grow older and as a senior with chronic conditions, I recognize the complexities of managing chronic conditions. It’s something I see my peers grappling with daily. The stakes are higher in the face of emergencies. An unexpected natural disaster or a sudden health crisis can disrupt…

Recovery Resources for Seniors after a Disaster
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Recovery Resources for Seniors after a Disaster

We seniors face a distinct set of challenges during a disaster. Our increased vulnerability isn’t just a vague concern; it’s a critical factor shaping our recovery process. Due to mobility issues, chronic health conditions, and often limited social support, the aftermath for many of us seniors can be particularly daunting. As I write this article,…