SURVIVAL KNIFE If You Could Only Pick One Bug-Out Bag Item
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If You Could Only Pick One Bug-Out Bag Item, What’s the Ultimate Must-Have?

When you must leave everything behind, survival comes down to what you can carry. Every item in your bug-out bag needs to justify its weight. If it doesn’t serve multiple functions or directly contributes to keeping you alive, it’s just dead weight. The answer to this question may surprise you. It sure did me! But…

Smart Ways to Stay Safe in a SHTF Scenario
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Smart Ways to Stay Safe in a SHTF Scenario

I am learning the smart ways to stay safe in a SHTF event. I now know that I must rely on myself and my wits. Survival is often seen as a test of strength. Or, it’s an endless race to gather supplies. But, the truth is more subtle. The most dangerous threats in a SHTF…

Learning Advanced Survival Skills Civilian pilots attending a Survival course at RAF Kinloss learn how to construct shelter from the elements, using materials available in the woodland on the north-east edge of the aerodrome.
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Learning Advanced Survival Skills – eBook

When the World Pushes You to Your Limits Basic survival skills might relieve a few days of discomfort, but they won’t sustain you during a prolonged crisis. You need to read this eBook on Advanced Survival Skills. A brief power outage or temporary supply chain disruption may seem inconvenient, but these pale compared to the…

5 Must-Have Items for a Bug Out Bag
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5 Must-Have Items for a Bug Out Bag

Building a well-prepared bug-out bag is more than just throwing survival gear into a backpack. The goal is to create a portable survival kit that will allow you to survive for at least 72 hours, ensuring you can leave quickly and remain mobile. I know this bag is just for 72 hours or 3 days….